* Gift for Valentine's Day 2024*

A game made during the Spring Festival in 2024, and it is the first one of "My first ten games".

The gameplay is simple, the kitten catches four birds in a limited time, or not. 

There are two small riddles hidden in the end interface as Easter eggs, which are for a Valentine's Day gift.

Fortunately, this game lived up to its name: Dear Daisy, Daisy herself loves this game and that gift very much.

For me, this game has unique meaning and value in many aspects.


2024 年春节制作的一款小游戏,也是”我的人生前十个游戏“中的第一个。



所幸未辜负游戏名 ——《Dear Daisy》,Daisy 本人很喜欢这个游戏和那份礼物。


Game by: 

Patrick Pang

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